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The authors would above all like to thank the Steering Group for their advice and input, which has been an enormous help as always.

Numerous ECFR staff members apart from the authors themselves contributed to the project and helped keep the project on track. Piotr Buras, François Godement, Borja Lasheras, Marta Makowska, Angela Stanzel and Vessela Tcherneva commented on parts of the text. Janek Lasocki provided organisational and research support. Lorenzo Marini and Andreas Mullerleile kept up their great work in developing and managing the Scorecard website. James Clasper’s proofreading and David Carroll’s design was amazing as always. The support of Alba Lamberti in the early stages of the report was invaluable.

Artur Gradziuk would like to thank PISM for the time they have allowed him to work on the project in a personal capacity. Thomas Wright was helped by Rob Keane, Antoine DeSaintPhalle, Nicole Yeo, and Angie Ro on his research on the transatlantic chapter. Jana Kobzova also provided useful feedback.

Even though producing this year’s Scorecard was a collective effort, any mistakes in the text remain the responsibility of the authors.