TTIP – Verhandlungssache!

Eine öffentliche Podiumsdiskussion mit u.a. Ignacio García Bercero, TTIP-Hauptverhandlungsführer für die Europäische Kommission, und Josef Janning vom ECFR


Ignacio García Bercero, TTIP-Hauptverhandlungsführer für die Europäische Kommission

Jürgen Hardt, MdB (CDU/CSU), Koordinator für die Transatlantische Zusammenarbeit

Dieter Janecek, MdB (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), Sprecher für Wirtschaftspolitik

Matthias Machnig, Staatssekretär im Bundeswirtschaftsministerium

Josef Janning, European Council on Foreign Relations

Chaired by

Rüdiger Lentz, Aspen Institute Deutschland

On 28 April ECFR – in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Aspen Institute and the European Commission – held a public debate on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) that is currently being negociated between the EU and the United States. Amidst growing concerns within the German public the European Commission has embarked on a course of increased transparency in the negociations. Hence it was only fitting that Ignacio Garcia Bercero took the time to give a talk on the current state of the negociations, take part in the ensuing panel discussion and answer questions from both the audience and social media.